Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cloud Services Child Protection Organization

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Services for Child Protection Organization. Answer: Introduction: Cloud computing gives the power of sharing to its clients by cost cutting. Users are enabled to share infrastructure, platform or application over cloud servers just like they share information over the internet. All the clients share common resources which saves installation and maintenance cost. There can be different types of cloud servers which are discussed here. All the types or servers are used for different purposes. They save time and efforts by employees of the organization thus result in increased efficiencies. Cost can be a factor of consideration while choosing the right cloud service providers. Security concerns and sensitivity of data is also discussed in the paper which is of utmost importance for any organization. Cloud Delivery and Deployment Modules: Cloud computing is about resource sharing by avoiding the application handling manually by local and individual servers. It can be considered a synonym to internet which enables internet connected devices to share application and data remotely. Cloud deployment modules depend on size, proprietorship and access of data and applications. There are basically four types of deployment models: Public Cloud: This type of cloud provides services over a network which is accessible to public. This is the best example of cloud computing where service provider delivers infrastructures to many clients. Clients do not have any control over location of infrastructure. Technically speaking there might not be any difference between private and public cloud, but public cloud has been given many security levels. It is better suited for the large organizations with large client and application focused services (Asmus, Fattah, Pavlovski, 2016). This model is economical due to decreased operational and overhead cost. Cost is shared by all clients thus provides them economies of scale advantage. Private Cloud: It is an internal cloud providing platform on a secured cloud based environment. It is safeguarded by firewalls according to the rules of IT department. It is owned by a particular organization and access rights are given to only authorized users. It provides the organization control over data and applications. Physical computers can be hosted either publically or privately, resources are provided from a remote source to the private clouds. Businesses which require high security and are sensible to data, or have unforeseen needs, or have management demand of high privacy use this kind of cloud services. Hybrid Cloud: it is an integrated type of cloud services which is an arrangement of two or more cloud services. They can be private or public servers bound together but are different or remote entities. This gives the features of both public cloud and private cloud. It can overcome boundaries and can cross isolations set by the providers. It gives the power to client to increase capability by assimilation or aggregation or customization with another cloud services. Resources in hybrid cloud are managed wither in-house or by remote providers (Song-Kyoo, 2014). Non-critical resources can be housed in public cloud and sensitive data and applications can be hosted by private cloud server. Community Cloud: this is a type of cloud services in which setup is shared between many organizations which belong to a specific community like bank, retail or trading. It can be considered a multi-tenant setup shared by organization with similar requirement and computing apprehensions. They have similar privacy, security and performance norms. They achieve business related goals with similar intentions. Community cloud can be managed internally or externally. Cost will be shared by all, therefore it provides cost saving options. It is useful for the organizations which work on joint research, or ventures. Impact on Staff: Currently staff is sharing data manually between the branch offices. Sharing the files over drop-down is slightly time-consuming. These files are than shared by both branches with HQs. This requires a lot of man power to do this task regularly. There are chances of mismatch in information or delay in sharing which will affect the work at other place. Cloud servers give the advantages of sharing large data files instantly. These files will be stored at one place from where very branch or HQ can access them at their own convenient. Increase in staff member or file size will not affect the sharing time or efforts. Staff will not have to worry about continuous sharing of excel files. Files will be always available for use with all the details. It will improve the mobility and no matter where the staff is they will have the files with them (Sether, 2012). It will improve the collaboration among the staff to share information in real time. It will reduce working time and will improve servi ces. All time availability of the information to the authorized members will increase effectiveness of the organization. It will not require extra men power to work on downloading and uploading of files for sharing purposes. Cost analysis: When considering cost of cloud services, an organization need to think of size of virtual machines, number of servers, duration of services, number and intensity of applications and complexity do data. Cost of the services differs based on these parameters. There can be different cost from same vendors for different requirements. First, we will have an overlook of cost of three different cloud servers which are public, private and hybrid clouds. Costs are considered for a period of three years with some assumptions. Below given table compares the staffing cost of an organization. If we compare three vendors Amazon, IBM and Profit Bricks, then we come to a conclusion that Profit Bricks is least expensive for hourly windows based virtual machines (PalakMakhija, 2013). It is less expensive for large size virtual machines for monthly payments, whereas Amazon gives the cost advantage for longer durations of annual of three years with reserved instances. IBM block storage come under the costly vendors category but provides more value to the right clients. This cloud server is beneficial for specific type of needs like heavy mathematical applications. Cloud service security: We have considered three cloud service providers here: IBM, Amazon and Profit Bricks. All the three have some or other features same or different from others based or their offerings. More or less these have same service offerings for mid-sized organizations. Public cloud server is suggested for the Child Protection organization as of now (Tari, 2014a). It provides various security features for the security of data and applications shared over public cloud server. Public cloud server by Amazon provides facility to set internal standards for the safety of the data. Internal network security can be deployed along with standard cloud security features. Security can be customized and added to the existing set of security methods. Organization can also choose third party auditing services. These services can audit consistency of application security, processes and standards. These are compared with the clients requirements and can be enhanced accordingly. These audits last for minimum of six months but can updated whenever required. Moving some of the applications to the public cloud and auditing for a period of time can comfort the organization from any security breaches. Public cloud services come with a written service agreement. It mentions all the security features provided and required for the application and data sharing. Client has rights of monitoring and reporting to the cloud administration about any deviation in these contract terms. Encryption can be put on the information transportation. Encryption key will be shared among the authorized parties only (Weinman, 2016). This encryption will ensure travelling of data to the right destination only. Log-in, viewing and editing rights will be given to concerned persons only. In public cloud services, only application or hardware is shared at one place. Data has separate storage and sharing with concerned parties only. References: Asmus, S., Fattah, A., Pavlovski, C. (2016). Enterprise cloud deployment: Integration patterns and assessment model. IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(1), 3241. doi:10.1109/mcc.2016.11. PalakMakhija, P. (2013). Green cloud computing: A constructive advent to curtail the carbon emission radiation due to servers. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 11(3), 7477. doi:10.9790/0661-1137477. Sether, A. (2012). Cloud computing benefits. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2, . doi:10.2139/ssrn.2781593. Song-Kyoo, K. (2014). Cloud server management method with random remote backups. Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, 3, 291294. doi:10.7763/jacn.2013.v1.58. Tari, Z. (2014). Security and privacy in cloud computing. IEEE Cloud Computing, 1(1), 5457. doi:10.1109/mcc.2014.20. Weinman, J. (2016). Hybrid cloud economics. IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(1), 1822. doi:10.1109/mcc.2016.27.

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