Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethics Game Simulation Reflective Journal

Ethics Game Simulation Reflective Journal Ethics Game Simulation Reflective Journal Ethics is defined as â€Å"the branch of philosophy concerned with evaluating human action†¦ meaning character, customs, or habitual uses, ethics encompasses a process of determining right conduct from wrong. † (Guido, 2010, p. 3). Nurses are confronted with numerous ethical dilemmas that are intertwined with legal issues. Concepts of ethical and legal concepts are frequently interplayed and decisions between the two are often intricate.One must go through steps of the critical decision process and contemplation among the four lenses for the best solution. The four lenses include the Rights and Responsibility lens, the Results lens, the Relationships lens, and the Reputation lens. (Ethicgame, 2012). Based on moral, value and virtual one can come to the best decision going through each lens. Two scenarios were presented in the ethic simulation game. The first one involved a 16- year- old gi rl in active labor, whose parents are adamant on limiting medical assistance and pain relief.Their decision was based on bad premise of religious belief to â€Å"punish† the patient for premarital pregnancy. The ethical dilemma in this case is that the patient is a minor, and legally the parents are entitled to make decisions regarding her care. Ethically, as nurse we are in a position to do no harm and provide adequate care to the patient. In the simulation, question of many aspect of decision- making were raised. Course of action to take, stakeholders and how their perspective role will be influence by my decision were analyzed.Rights and responsibility and the result lens were used to make the decision in the simulation. The ethical thing to do in this situation is to advocate for the most vulnerable, which in this case is the patient who is a miner. Although her parents have the legal right, their intention was to â€Å"punish† and not for the patient’s best interest. Appeasing the parents would result in defying our duty as a nurse of nonmaleficence but going against their wishes may result in lawsuit. Additionally to challenge the parents of their intentions may introduce negative feelings and violate their right to autonomy.Although the parents disapprove of their daughter's premarital pregnancy, they would not want any harm to come to her. Through educating the parents on the severity of the circumstances they can be guided, and not forced, to make the right decision. The second scenario presents an unconscious patient whose same-sex domestic partner was denied access for visitation. The written policy of the hospital is to treat domestic partners like married couples. The supervisor that made the call used their own interpretation of the policy clouded by their own agenda.The ethical dilemma in this situation is that equal rights that allow the same accessibility for domestic partner should be provided without discrimination to ge nder. The organization’s core value was clearly violated here, and interventions need to be made. Relationship lens and the Reputation lens were used in this scenario along with nurse’s duty to treat everyone as equals. It is basic human rights to have their own support system in a time of need. Especially in the case where the patient is unconscious, their domestic partner would be the one person who understands their wants and needs.It is unethical to deny visitation privileges based on race, religion, sexual orientation, color, or disability. In cases where it is medical appropriate, visitation privileges should not be restricted. Advocating for an unconscious patient of their domestic partner’s visitation rights would be in our ethical principle of beneficence. Concepts in the simulation jolt recalls of various scenarios in my workplace where ethical decision had to be made. Working in a long-term acute care facility, I encounter numerous patients who are un conscious or are pronounce medically incapable of making their own decisions.As a trusted health care professional, we are the patients’ voice who cannot speak for themselves. My second job I work as a supervisor for a convalescent hospital. Working in this modern day with very culturally diverse population as a supervisor I would need to set the tone for my organization. Legal, medical, and ethical ramifications are considered and carefully analyzed for situations in both of my jobs. Struggling with complex ethical decisions is frequent as nurses. The model in the ethics simulation game provides the importance of assessment needed by utilizing the four lenses.The most ethical decision is often not the easiest one to make. Ethics has personal value attached and varies upon each individual. Working for leaders who values ethics and staff who understands the same values is a must for the best outcome. Advocating for the patient at times means jumping through hoops. Setting our personal agenda and interest aside is a basic requirement as a healthcare professional. The team needs a leader that can assess a situation and use appropriate judgments to come up with the best solution.Medical, legal, ethical consequences must be considered in complicated situations regardless of different values. As one with authority, it is important to be committed to inspire and motivate others based on the organization's core value. To have the knowledge and tools to assess and the best course of action proves to be crucial to generate the best solution. References EthicsGame. com (2012). Ethics Lens Inventory. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from http://www. ethicsgame. com/Exec/Doorway/List. aspx Guido. G. W. (2010). Legal & ethical issues in nursing (5th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay

HEALTH CARE MUSEUM The Health Care Museum exhibit is to acknowledgment the five most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States. Over the years we’ve seen a rapid growth in the Health Care industry that’s both good and bad. After my research there are several areas I would like to portray for my exhibit debut. The five most significant developments are The Insured, the Underinsured, & the Uninsured, Medications, Prevention, Technology and Health Care Delivery. EXHIBIT A: The Insured, the Underinsured, & the Uninsured Insurance plays a huge part of healthcare development over the years. We have laws in place to help patients who are insured, underinsured and uninsured to received treatments. There a lot of people who struggle to keep up with the increasing costs of health care insurance, but there are plan that’s affordable to cover their medical expenses. The impact insurance has in United States is really big because â€Å"the number of people without health care has increased†. The establishing future in Health Care insurance remains uncertain because many people today still don’t have health insurance. I do believe that the health care reform will help in that case, but it may take some time to see the results. EXHIBIT B: Medications Medications play a very big important role into the development of the Health Care Industry. With the advancement of medication we have seen a momentous decrease in the number of people that were hospitalized or caused death because they did not acquired the proper medication. Science is the main reason why we are so ahead in medicine, â€Å"advances in medical science† help protect most diseases from spreading. Medicines can cure, preclude, or even stop an outbreak or a virus. The most notable development of medicine is that it comes in many different shapes and size. One can take medicine in a use of a pill, liquid such as syrup and exercise is a form of medication. . EXHIBIT C: Prevention Prevention has to be the most important development thus far because if we don’t have any control over transferrable diseases from spreading â€Å"Ebola†, then we all are at risk of an epidemic of disease that’s infectious. Around the world we have community associates and health care providers that’s willing to educate the public about the importance and the consequences of a transmittable disease. We all have been working together to prevent the spreading of dangerous disease. Some of the simple task we can do to prevent spreading disease is as simple as washing your hands constantly. EXHIBIT D: Technology If it wasn’t for technology the United State Health Care System wouldn’t be as great as it is today. Technology has a great impact in all of the different health fields in the industry. Since technology is improving constantly the possibilities are endless as to what we can use it for. The most important part in regards to technology in Health Care is the ability to obtain very important medical information. Many different departments in the healthcare field are using technology a lot of different ways. The most common use is to reach out to the â€Å"broader populations,† connect with patients virtually, and most importantly public awareness. EXHIBIT E: Health Care Delivery Reforming our health care delivery system to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting. They should keep people healthy and prevent common, avoidable complications of illnesses to the greatest extent possible. Thoughtfully constructed reforms would support greater access to health-improving care – in contrast to the current system, which encourages more tests, procedures, and treatments that are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful. In conclusion, as we all know the health care industry has grown drastically over the years. The five most significant developments is not only important factors in the health care field, but they’re also important in today’s society. For example, The Insured, the Underinsured, & the Uninsured plays a huge part in today’s world because of the sky rocking health cost and the fact that not everyone can afford it. Medications are also very important since we all want to feel better when we are ill. References Access to Health Care Coalition (2001). Closing the gap: Improving access to health care in Michigan. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Retrieved October 13, 2014 from American Hospital Association (1997). Hospital statistics: A comprehensive summary of U. S. hospitals. Chicago, IL: Author. Institute for the Future (2000). Health and health care 2010: The forecast, the challenge. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Health Statistics. Health U.S. 2010: With Special features on death and dying. Hyattsville MD:CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2014

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Individual Case Study Assignment (4,000 words) Business Synoptic Essay

Individual Case Study Assignment (4,000 words) Business Synoptic - Essay Example ook at the use of the supply chain management by Wal-Mart to enhance not only its competitive strategy but also its strategic management accounting approach. This is achieved by improving efficiency, having faster distribution and maintaining quality fresh merchandise in all the regional operations. As illustrated in the case study, Wal-Mart has devised two distinct strategic management approaches that are interlinked and hence compatible to the firm’s overall strategy as set by its founder Sam Walton of providing high quality products at affordable prices. These include competitive strategy and strategic management accounting (SMA). There are four major elements involved in Wal-Mart’s strategic management approach. These include situation analysis, strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation (Bivens, 2006). A company’s main competitive strategy is generally based on devising methods that can bring about a competitive advantage to its market segment (Johnson et al, 2006, Pg.242). On the other hand, SMA is concerned with providing and appraising a company with appropriate accounting information on its business operations as well as its rivals that can be utilised strategically in decision-making. According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), management accounting is ‘the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources’ (Caplan, 2004, Pg.1). Irwin and Clark (2006, Pg.2) identify Wal-Mart’s effective utilisation of ‘cost-saving technologies’ and advanced supply chain management is one of the key elements in the firms enviable growth. They also cite Wal-Mart global strategy, which has assisted the firm in its expansion, ease of trading, and technology. Wal-Mart is able to effectively utilise its efficient

Friday, September 27, 2019

Musical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Musical Analysis - Essay Example 21). The means and methods used to identify the working of music vary from one analyst to another depending upon what purpose the analysis serves. Musical analysis has a history that dates back to 1750s, though it has also existed from the Middle Ages as a scholarly tool. A.B. Marx has been known for the formalization of concepts regarding music understanding and composition from the later half of the 19th century. While musical analysis is a way to identify how music works, it has been a subject of criticism since musical analysis has been thought to mutilate the musical work’s spirit through decomposition. It is said that â€Å"too much analysis kills the spirit of a performance† (Poore, 2005). My understanding of musical analysis is of a technique in which the working or a piece of music is judged on the basis of some well-defined scales or criteria. It comes with the presumption that a piece of music has to have a definite function and that it must conform to the se t principles in order to be considered valid or credible. This is where I personally side with the critics of musical analysis because in this age of innovation and creativity, development of music beyond these criteria and scales can be expected or that these criteria are also updated or modified to suit the tastes of the next generation. The end result of musical analysis is identification of a piece of music with a particular theme, genre, or style. I believe that music is a form of art and it has to be free of all constraints and boundaries in order to constantly evolve and provide the audience with something new and entertaining all the time. â€Å"Some authors regard analysis as ‘implicit in what the performer does’, however ‘intuitive and unsystematic’ it might be, while for others, performers must engage in rigorous and theoretically informed analysis of a work’s ‘parametric elements’ if its ‘aesthetic depth’ is to be plumbed† (Rink, 2002). Some musicians actually think like analysts and draw upon the parametric elements of their music while performing it while there are others for which, musical performance is a thing entirely disconnected from its analysis. Analysis is more of an academic process in which a piece of music is described in literary terms. I think that what appeals to the audience is not the extent to which a piece of music can be described or identified with a particular genre, but it is the emotions that it is capable of arising in the audience, the magic, power, and strength that it carries to send give the audience goosebumps. The power of a piece of music can be better understood from a first-hand experience of its performance rather than analysis. Analysis does not essentially capture the essence of performance, and that is why it is inferior to the experience of performance from the perspective of audience. â€Å"Analysis is generally implicit, since many musician s do not command the verbal or notational tools that would enable explicit results†¦.[Nevertheless] by applying a procedural knowledge to a stock of declarative knowledge of prototypical pieces and situations, a musician gains additional declarative knowledge, increasing his or her knowledge of repertoire† (Brinner, 1995, p. 148). I agree because while composing music, many musicians have factors beyond the notational or verbal tools in their mind like what would appease the audience and experimenting with new tones and melodies to entertain the audience. As a result of this, their music might gain a lot of appreciation from the audience but fail to comply with the standards established by the analysts. However, a musician who has a fair understanding of the analysts’ criteria is able to incorporate those elements in the music to enhance it, though

Thursday, September 26, 2019

AFA in news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AFA in news - Essay Example The other Wes however is not so lucky and surrounded himself with addicts, sunk deeper and deeper into drug trade, fathered many children and finally ends up behind bars. The story somehow connects to slavery since we are told of poor black neighborhoods which could have resulted due to the enslavement of the ancestors of the black community. Thus Blacks’ economic standards are usually lower than those of other races because they lack a firm and solid economic foundation, due to prolonged slavery of their forefathers. As I read the story, I could not help imagining how a person’s determination can elevate one beyond his/her current circumstances and improve one’s chance at living a better and morally upright life. The main problem portrayed in the story is that of drugs, crime and negative influences in one’s life. Thus the problem of crime and drugs is well highlighted and can be attributed to the kind that the other Wes Moore lived. A possible solution to this is educating such neighborhoods on the dangers of drug and crime involvement as well as making sure that youths have got enough role models and institutions to kee p them off the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Final exam - Essay Example President Obama won with a landslide because of the extreme challenges that the country was facing due to poor Republican Party leadership under former president Bush administration. Retrospective voting is a type of voting whereby people vote for officials when times are good and against them when times are bad. In this case, parties vying for the various seats compete by emphasizing on competence, the way they reflect on public goals and not by taking particular policy stands. Under retrospective voting, voters do not bother in forming preferences on complex issues, but rather vote depending on their evaluation of the past performance. This means that voters focus only on the most essential issues and it demands very little of the voters. Moreover, politicians have a strong incentive in solving problems that the public wants them solved. Retrospective voting also gives room for deliberation and experimentation of unpopular policies provided the results are pleasing to the citizens before the next elections. Its main disadvantage is the fact that it is not easy to get rid of bad political leaders unless extremely bad disasters happen. Prospective voting on the other hand refers to the type of voting that involves considering the future wellbeing of the citizens or country at large been in the voters mind. Both these two types of voting are very common in the USA. There are many complaints about the US bureaucracies though some of the most common complaints include the issue of duplication of duties as some bureaucracies are said to be too large. Some other people complain about them being too expensive to run with other arguing that they are extremely powerful. The issue of speed is also often raised whenever discussing bureaucracies whereby some people claim that they act very slowly since federal employees seem to have so much job security thus have little fear of losing their jobs because of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Compare how the Union and the Confederacy represented their causes Essay

Compare how the Union and the Confederacy represented their causes. What were their respective ideas of freedom - Essay Example imary cause of the American civil war that saw a massive loss of life and destruction of property, through efforts of separation on one hand and unity on the other (Foner, pp. 49-61). In an effort to understand the American civil war and the issue of slavery, this paper will the union and the confederacy through a comparison of how the two factions represented their course before as well as during the civil war. Additionally, the paper will analyze the ideas that both the unionists as well as the Confederacy had on freedom. The southern and the northern sections of the United States were economically developed along different lines. The southern states were predominantly agrarian states with agriculture being the main economic activity while the northern states turned to industrialization. Due to differences in the economic system of the two sections, different political and social structures developed which led to disagreement among the politicians of the southern and the northern sections on several issues such as tariffs, international improvements and taxation. The differences resulted to the civil war where the Confederates and Unionists tasseled over the issue of slavery as one of their main course of the war. According to the Confederates, slavery was a traditional institution in their social culture and a very significant one in the realization of economic benefit for the South. At the beginning of the civil war, the south had about four million slaves thus the idea of freedom of slaves as proposed by the unionist would interfere with the farming activities of the south. In support of their course of the need for slavery abolition, the unionist pointed at the need to hire slaves and not own them a move that was rejected by the South resulting in the civil war (Foner, pp. 45-53). States’ rights was another are where the opinions of the unionists and the Confederates differed. States’ right was the struggle between the states and the federal

Monday, September 23, 2019


STUDENT-DESIGNED INDEPENDENT PROJECT USING THE PROVIDED TEMPLATE - Essay Example The prime basis of funds for the project will be from own fundraising initiatives. The project will create fundraising plans to solicit financial support from family and friends, local businesses, the local government and from the environmental club that would help in organising the event. The project will require at least one week to two weeks for informing participants about the intended project. Moreover, the project management team will need one month for their prior, during, and post event meetings. Additionally, the project necessitates one week negotiating with partners and support. The most crucial part of the project is obtaining the mandatory funds. Getting the necessary funds will require informed financial initiatives plans. The project will use one week to acquire the necessary funds. The realization of a project depends on the executives, partners, and members proper use of resources. Good resource use is an indicator of the success of a project. If the project never exceeds its initial budget, then it is a success. Likewise, if the project implementation occurs at its intended time, then it is also an accomplishment. However, excess budgeting and poor time management is a pointer to failure. Participants’ satisfaction and understanding of a project’s content is an indicator of triumph. In the project, if the students can plant and care for the trees, then the project will be a success. Nonetheless, if the students fail to implement tree-planting instructions, then the project would be a complete failure. The total number of participants in an event can aid in assessing its success. The success of the tree planting initiative project will depend on the number of students who attend the event. If the event attendance level is high, then it is an indication that the project was successful. The choice of location of an event matters. A location that is accessible and secure adds up to the success of a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion - Coursework Example In addition, it is better than the parole because statements are allowed at the sentencing hearing. During reporting, the victim impact statements are to be incorporated in the pre-sentence report. Although the statements should be either written or oral, there is room for videotape, audiotape, or any other electronic device. This gives great opportunities for the victim to provide information to the court. The parole board does not guarantee a persons release when summoned for the board scrutiny. The person must be reviewed, and the board must find him worthy being among the people in the society. They are very particular on information concerning the inmate, which range from personal to communal interrelationship. The board must consider the age, mental stability, and remorse for the offence. If an offender agrees to the terms, of these three, they are checked further on the conduct during incarceration, and the time served on the current offence. Lastly, the board confirms on the rehabilitative progress, and guarantees the offender freedom if they have passed all those

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gothic settings are desolate, alienating and full of menace Essay Example for Free

Gothic settings are desolate, alienating and full of menace Essay Gothic settings are desolate, alienating and full of menace. In the light of this comment, consider some of the ways in which writers use settings in the gothic texts you have read. In The Bloody Chamber and Wuthering Heights, Carter and Bronte conform to the gothic conventions with desolate and alienating settings that are full of menace, but there are also elements that subvert this view and portray purity and entrapment; the need to escape the gothic mould. A desolate setting is a place without life in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness. This is expressed in The Courtship of Mr Lyon when the girl finds herself bored in the country. This subverts the gothic as the country is associated with purity and feminine inexperience, compared to the male dominated, corrupted city. We see here that the girl longs to break the mould of female passivity with the mean kitchen and her boredom. All the snow and the words light bright and white infer purity and represents her total innocence but also isolation from the outside world, living down a long unmarked country road. Carter places the girl at the window in his tale and ses a lack of description of the kitchen to create a sense of longing for the outside world. She is trapped in the domestic sphere in the kitchen but pauses on her chores. This foreshadows transgressing gender barriers in the story. For a gothic setting to be alienating it could be it makes someone feel isolated or estranged. The girl in The Bloody Chamber feels cut off from her previous, un-married life in the castle surrounded by water. She described how she goes into marriage, into exile and would always be lonely. She feels alone in a patriarchal society because his orefathers had ruled the coast for centuries. This highlights the in which the woman must conform to his wishes, but also connotes medieval undertones of a fairy tale. The girl presents the castle as a magic place, the fairy castle whose walls were made of foam alluding to the supernatural in the magic place like a fairy castle, which highlights gothic architecture of grand castles. The foam however subverts to the gothic as it suggests pleasant freedoms and a lack of substance, almost like its from a dream. In contrast to this image, the reality of a thick darkness, unlit by any tar represents her entrapment and struggle to recover from discovering his dead wives in the bloody chamber. She feels deeply corrupted with no hope of escaping her new knowledge for which she must pay the price, as the room is unlit by stars. This suggestion that women should not have knowledge connotes religious imagery of when Eve corrupted Adam and they paid the price for Eves sin. This knowledge gives the girl the power to question the Marquiss power because when looking at the picture of Saint Cecilia, she asks what had been the nature of her martyrdom? in which she questions her corruption. She suggests Cecilia was only beheaded for her disobeying a man. A bloody chamber is present in some form in each of the ten stories and whilst taking different forms throughout the book, it serves the same symbolic purpose. It is a room where violence and enlightenment occur simultaneously. It is a place of transformation for the heroine. The term the connection between womens sexuality and the violence they experience. ln The Courtship of Mr. Lyon, the bloody chamber is the Beasts room. Even though the Beast does not hurt anyone in the room, it represents the violent and bloody reputation. If the Beast is seen as a being who devours, his room is perceived as a place of terror a bloody chamber. The Beasts room is also a place of transformation for both himself and the heroine. It is there that she realizes her love for him and that he transforms back into a human. Alienating settings can also cause someone to become unsympathetic or hostile. The characters in Wuthering Heights fit in to their new surroundings, subconsciously, and adapt to its beliefs and values and become hostile to their previous way of life. They adapt to the narrow windows deeply set in the wall with a range of gaunt thorns. The Grange rich regal colours such as crimson and blues, showing that the characters have become aware of their social standing and expectations; whereas at Wuthering Heights, there are gaudy painted canisters with objects that are liver-coloured, black and green. Wuthering Heights portrays violence and freedom to act as you please and when Lockwood encounters Cathys ghost he pulled its wrist on the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down and soaked the bed-clothes. He states that terror made me cruel and this fear of what is uncertain or obscure at Wuthering Heights explains his violence. This state contrasts to his highly cultured and civilised behaviour at the beginning of the novel. If a setting is full of menace then it poses a threat or danger in a hostile manor. During Lockwoods first visit of Wuthering Heights he feels threatened by the way he describes its appearance among a wilderness of crumbling griffins. Griffins are inhuman evil creatures, suggesting the residents of Wuthering Heights to be cruel and wild. Lockwood feels under threat because he does not know how to act around a family that is crumbling from societys control. Therefore, passing the threshold would mean Lockwood transgressing the oundaries of social norms. Once inside, Lockwood feels trapped because the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall making it impossible to get out. It gives the impression of a prison, where the morally corrupted are kept, with their secrets and taboos. It can also be seen that Wuthering heights poses a threat to Thrushcross Grange because the characters keep wanting to go there and escape from culture at the Grange and become free from entrapment in an oppressive society and become reunited with nature. This is the case for Cathy, Isabella, Catherine and Nelly, who feel drawn to danger, which is liberating and freeing.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”: An Analysis

Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†: An Analysis Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†: A Mystic’s Path of the Self In the poem â€Å"Song of Myself† Walt Whitman identifies himself as more than a poet, but as a mystic as well. The speaker stresses the spiritual significance of a cathartic self, unburdened by the programming of society. â€Å"Whitman does not use regular meter, but†¦at some points he seems to slip into a traditional use of stresses and beats.† (Team). The speaker identifies what a mystic’s function is while using a full spectrum of imagery patterns as well as stresses and beats to illustrate depth of experience to the reader. Whitman’s message is that of a mystic, giving insight into the inner treasure of awareness of one’s self. He places a need to bring one’s self to a cathartic state from all the borrowed knowledge in the world in order to find one’s own intelligence. The speaker of the poem believes that if one acquires a state of catharsis, awareness of the self can be realized among the simplest of experiences; and oneâ⠂¬â„¢s intelligence can then bring meaning and understanding. The first line reads â€Å"I celebrate myself, and sing myself.† (Whitman) The speaker identifies himself as a mystic. The sole function of a mystic as stated by Osho is â€Å"to celebrate himself†¦ that’s what a mystic has always been supposed to do†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Osho Speaks on Walt Whitman) The mystic finds Joy within solitude, alone among himself. The mystic’s message is that the joy of one’s own aloneness is our birthright. Unlike loneliness, aloneness is the enjoyment of one’s own company. The mystic befriends himself, his aloneness, that which he considers the essential being. In the next two lines the speaker says â€Å"and what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.† The word â€Å"assume† stands for a capacity for intelligence. Unlike intellect, intelligence is not derived of borrowed knowledge but from one’s own existential experience. The speaker is saying that the capacity I have for intelligence you also have. Intelligence is a quality or depth of awareness. It is universal among all things. (Whitman) The next verse reads, â€Å"I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.† The speaker is providing the right way to awareness. The speaker uses the word â€Å"Loafe† twice. This word choice symbolizes the relaxation as the source for right awareness. Merely trying to become aware applies strain and tension. The speaker describes an effortlessness and as he leans and loafes at his own ease. (Whitman) The next verse follows , â€Å"My tongue, every atom of my blood, form’d from this soil, this air, Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same, I , now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin, Hoping to cease not till death. â€Å" The speaker is making a commitment to become more and more aware. The speaker uses words from the first line â€Å" My tongue, every atom of my blood, form’d from this soil, this air,† to symbolize the connectedness of all things. The second and third lines, â€Å"Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same,† symbolizes the role of man to reach his potential. Through awareness we can reach the source of intelligence. All our lives and the lives of our ancestors have served for this very purpose, to reach one’s potential. (Whitman) The next verse speaks on spontaneity and truth. The first line goes, â€Å"Creeds and schools in abeyance. â€Å" The word abeyance is used to symbolize the knowledgeability collected by society. In the next line the speaker identifies the knowledge or intellect gained through these sources as ego pleasing devices saying, â€Å"Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten.† The speaker is identifying borrowed knowledge. The last line reads, â€Å"I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard, Nature without check with original energy. â€Å" The speaker describes the use of intelligence outside the boundaries of knowledgeability. The speaker reveals experience and action out of one’s awareness as the highest use of intelligence. Acting outside knowledgeability is known as spontaneity or what the mystic calls action through intelligence and awareness. (Whitman) In the second half of the poem the first verse reads, â€Å"Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, the shelves are crowded with perfumes.† Whitman uses stresses and beats in this first line. The rhythm goes HOUSes and ROOMS are FULL of perFUMES. The second and third lines read, â€Å" I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it, The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it.† The speaker describes non-possessiveness. The pleasant fragrances are experiences. The speaker is performing the function of the mystic which is to not judge or hold on to any particular experience. (Whitman) The next verse follows, â€Å"The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has no taste of the distillation, it is odorless.† The speaker uses the word atmosphere to describe the whole and perfume is used again to symbolize experience. The whole is not concerned with attainment. The speaker goes on to describe the atmosphere as tasteless, and odorless. Through right awareness one can come to know wholeness, or atmosphere. The second line reads, â€Å"It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it,† the word forever symbolizes the infinitive nature of awareness. The following lines read, â€Å"I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me. â€Å" The speaker takes on the mystic’s love affair with going beyond the mind. The speaker’s madness symbolizes living in the present moment as going beyond the mind, becoming meditative. (Whitman) The next verse use patterns of a wide variety of imagery. The entire verse reads, â€Å"The smoke of my own breath, Echoes, ripples, buzz’d whispers, love-root, silk-thread, crotch and vine, My respiration and inspiration, the beating of my heart, the passing of blood and air through my lungs, The sniff of green leaves and dry eaves, and of the shore and dark-color’d sea-rocks, and of hay in the barn, The sound of the belch’d words of my voice loos’d to the eddies of the wind, A few light kisses, a few embraces, a reaching around of arms, The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag, The delight alone or in the rush of the streets, or along the fields and hill-sides, The feeling of health, the full-noon trill, the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun. â€Å" (Whitman) The speaker uses visual, auditory and tactile patterns of imagery to elicit experiences for the reader. â€Å"My respiration and inspiration,† describes these images as the product of living. They are the small subtle moments in which one becomes more and more aware. Whether it be the smallest of experiences of â€Å"the passing of blood and air† through one’s lungs, or the â€Å"sound of the belch’d words† of one’s, â€Å"voice loos’d to the eddies of the wind.† These seemingly simple experiences can-not go by unawares by a mystic. These experiences are not merely fortuitous but the involvement of one’s essential being. (Whitman) This next verse follows, â€Å"Have you reckon’d a thousand acres much? Have you rechon’d the earth much? Have you practis’d so long to learn to read? Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems? The speaker identifies subjugation of one’s intelligence. The use of the word â€Å"reckon’d† symbolizes calculation. The speaker is simply asking if one’s involvement with their intelligence is merely to calculate and to acquire skills and knowledge from outside sources. The speaker asks if the reader will look at the work in a calculative way when he says, â€Å"Have you rechon’d the earth much?† The speaker attacks the ego when he says, â€Å"Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems? It is one’s thirst for knowledgeability that misses the value of meaning itself. (Whitman) The last verse of the poem describes the value of intelligence through awareness in a cathartic state. The first two lines read, â€Å"Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems. You shall possess the good of the earth and sun, (there are millions of suns left,)† The speaker uses the phrase â€Å"the origin of all poems,† to describe one’s pursuit for understanding or meaning. The next lines of the verse describe necessity of a cathartic self. â€Å"through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books, You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self.† The speaker identifies knowledgeability as a burden to one’s advancement in order to experience the self. The phrases, â€Å"through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books† symbolize all the obtained knowledge or borrowed knowledge that does not provide depth to individual experience. (Whitman) Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself† are the words of a mystic. He identifies aloneness as a treasurable essence of the essential being to be celebrated. His poem closely defines right-awareness as a relaxed or â€Å"loafe† approach to the most subtle experiences. Whitman describes knowledgeability alone a burden to the essential being, where the pursuit for meaning becomes entangled with preconceived ideas and barrowed knowledge. Whitman implores the reader to reach a cathartic state from all the borrowed knowledge in the world that has crowded the view of one’s self. Walt Whitman believes that there is a much more qualitative depth to one’s intelligence and through the bond of one’s self, of one’s aloneness; even the simplest of experiences can provide the richness of poetry. Works Cited Osho Speaks on Walt Whitman. 5 9 2014. 25 10 2014>. Team, Shmoop Editorial. Song Of Myself. Ed. Shmoop Editorial Team. N.P. N.P. 2014. Shmoop University, Inc. 22 Oct 2014>. Whitman, Walt. Chapter 29 Song of Myself. Mandell, Laurie G. Kirszner Stephen R. LIT Student Edition. Boston: Michael Rosenberg, 2012. 520-521.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

At war with my body :: Essays Papers

At war with my body The mind of a woman athlete is constantly fluttering with thoughts about what it is to be a woman athlete, how a women athlete should act, what she should wear and how she should look. Maybe not everyone’s mind is consumed by these thoughts, but at some point every woman struggles with the negative stereotypes about women. There I was again—out on the track, softball field, basketball court, ski hill, volleyball court—trying to prove myself. Prove that I was not just another girl who played sports. I was good, strong, unique—a pretty blonde girl who didn’t â€Å"throw like a girl† or â€Å"ski like a pussy.† I transgressed gender stereotypes, rejecting girls who fit into those negative stereotypes. Don’t ask me what I am eating again, should I eat now, does my butt look too big—thighs too beefy†¦how can I be a ski racer and maintain my smaller frame? No time to work out during ski season, am I getting fat? M aybe I shouldn’t eat as much. I need to go work out, let off some steam—get stronger, faster, harder, and more agile. I can lose 20 lbs.; I will still be healthy, right? But I don’t want to be too skinny, because if you’re too skinny, guys won’t like you, right?! Do my legs look too big in my G.S. suit? In the weight room—I am the only girl (as she is)—I like being â€Å"one of the guys,† but struggle when they talk to me like I am a guy. While benching 300 lbs, I hear them grunt—veins popping, sweat dripping, muscles ripped, listening to ACDC. I am running. Keep going—they’re watching. I go faster, harder. I run for 1 hour to prove myself. I max out on 210 lbs., squatting†¦I am strong. I want to impress them. For years and years, I try my hardest to throw like a man, run like a man, ski like a man, hit like a man, lift like a man. But, I am not a man. Leslie Heywood’s â€Å"Pretty Good for a Girl† highlights the war we, as women athletes, have with our own bodies. It stresses the fact that, â€Å"While the superstructure of women’s sports has improved in countless ways—better media coverage, more corporate endorsement of top athletes, and the breakdown of old stereotypes—the infrastructure of women’s sports remains precarious† (Heywood, xviii).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Forever and Always Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing

Forever and Always Some people believe in miracles. Other people argue that fate is what makes day turn into night and the waves rise high and low crashing over a ship at sea or carrying it to the shore safely. A person of faith will say that ones’ life is controlled by a higher power greater than fate itself. Shannon has heard every excuse, rhyme or reason as to what exactly wills each life changing event. She occasionally agrees, yet never disagrees for reasons that would just be impolite. It is what only she knows in her heart, and in a place that even her heart cannot reach, that wills her to live through each day and keeps her anticipating the comfort of her empty bed at night. It is here, in the glow from a single lit candle holding the scent of the ocean breeze, that Shannon separates herself from the world around her and is brought into the only place she longs to be. To begin the evening ritual, Shannon sits at her vanity, combing each section of her long blonde locks and staring into her reflection. She reminds herself of how her eyes used to sparkle. She attempts to recreate the shimmer in her hazel eyes by recalling a humorous event, or practicing her most infectious grin. Suprised that this doesn’t work (although it has never worked before) she eagerly reaches under her mattress for the photograph that will begin the second step of what will soon ease her into a soundslumber. Shannon immediately finds the grin that she has been searching for. First, on the glossy print that she holds in her hand, and soon after, appearing on her own rose colored lips. One would think that night after night of seeing the same picture would make it turn into only that, a picture. Every time Shannon gazes into this square paper world of hers she is drawn into it as if it were happening all over again. She falls into the time the picture was taken. It was a beautiful summer day, and the sky was painted blue with traces of clouds only to remind the town that it was not, in fact, a canvas, but a true day. The birds flew blissfully, calling to each other. The ocean breeze was just enough to send the smell of the fish from the dock towards the inner part of town. The town itself was quiet. Families gathered today in their homes to share the day with each other. Many of the fishermen had the day off, and although the town should be bust... ...eping over her face, grazing her lips with his smooth fingertips and moving them from there to the tip of her ear where he brings his lips gently to whisper. The feeling of his breath on her is warm and makes Shannon’s body tingle as she begins to believe that he really is in the room with her. She smells the distinct flavor of his cologne in the air and on her pillow and longs for him to wrap her in his arms. â€Å"Jay, I need you here with me.† she proclaims as if he can hear her. â€Å"I’m here. Forever and always.† He speaks and she is calmed by his tender voice. Shannon feels the embrace of his arms around her, and the whispered phrase that accompanies every nightly dream she encounters, declaring his love for her. Finally ready to be disappointed by reality, she opens her eyes only to find that he is real. As she looks at him, he slides the gold sparkling ring onto her finger and their lips find each other. The remainder of the night had come to life with passion. At dawn, when she finally fell asleep with his arms around her, she felt the grin on her face form and the comfort in her heart, knowing that he meant what he said. He would never leave again.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Huck Finn :: essays research papers

Pg. 2 â€Å"After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers, and I was in a sweat to find out all abut him; but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn’t care no more abut him, because I don’t take no stock in dead people.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the beginning of the book, when Huck is first taken into Widow Douglas’ house, she tries to get him to be more civilized. She reads to him from the Bible, teaches him how to read and behave, and even forces him to wear shoes. This quote was [I’m guessing] Huck’s first encounter with religion, because obviously his father wouldn’t have taken him to church. Huck is first intrigued by the adventures people experienced, but is quickly bored when he finds out that they all died a while ago.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this passage, Mark Twain uses Huck to show his objection to the blind faith that civilized society places towards religion. I’m guessing Mark Twain wasn’t a very religious man. This whole book is on the different downfalls of society, and I guess Mark Twain considers religion to be one of those. I do agree with him on this count. Although I’m Christian, I do agree with the various slight comments he makes throughout the book to show how people fell it’s ok to do whatever as long as they can justify it by the bible or something. Pg. 12 â€Å"per'aps if we keep them till they're ransomed, it means that we keep them till they're dead.† When Huck Finn sneaks out to go play with Tom Sawyer and all their other friends, they decide to form a gang of robbers. They decide to hold people ransom, except they don’t really know what ransom is, so Tom just comes up with a meaning to the word that he thinks sounds about right. All of the boys in the gang agree. I think this quote fits in with the theme of the book â€Å"satire of society.† While the meaning of the word ransom may not be a crucial topic, the concept that I think Mark Twain is trying to illustrate is that if one person says something everyone will follow. The boys have no way of knowing what the real meaning of ransom is, so they just blindly go along with whatever Tom suggests, and that is one of the biggest downfalls of society, even today.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Happy Husband

My Happy Husband In life, sometimes we meet new people who could change our lives for better or worse. I met my husband in the place that I work and since that day we have become the most inseparable friends in the world. I believed my husband is one of the happiest men alive: he is funny, positive, inspiring, spiritual, and friendly. He is a very funny person. All the time he has a positive attitude. He inspired me to be the best. He is a spiritual man. He is a friendly person. All these qualities make Christian so special. My husband is the most adorable man.He is quite good looking. He is six feet tall, weighs one hundred seventy seven pounds. He has a round face with small brown eyes, olive skin, and curly dark hair like many Spanish people. His hair is black with a fewer silver strands throughout. He speaks in a soft voice as if he was whispering, and constantly uses his hands when he speaks. He has a great sense of style, so he always looks well dressed even in casual clothes, and his cologne smells sweet but masculine. For me he is the most attractive man. Chris is the funniest person.My husband has no problem getting others to laugh with him. It is hard to have a bad day when the person that I spend my life with is constantly smiling because he looks at the problems from a different angle, and he is confident that he will find the solution immediately. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, we were on a road trip to North Caroline. My husband was driving for twelve hours, but he was making jokes the whole journey. That was very entertaining for the children. We thoroughly enjoyed this trip because the time passed so fast. His human entertains our friends, as well.Frequently we go out with our friends, and he is the center of attention because of his cheerful personality and entertaining way that he talks. One of his favorites remarks is â€Å"I take my wife to different parts of the world every year, but she still somehow manages to find her way back. † I just to hear that and laugh because he cannot move a muscle without me. I feel so proud of him because he always knows how to put a smile on my face. I believe that it is important to always have a positive attitude, and I learned from my husband to have a good point of view in any circumstances.His positive feeling is strong, and it can spread to the people around him. To explain, my husband has a stressful job, and everyday he gets up early to meditate because meditation makes him relax and positive. Even if I come home with a negative attitude, he frequently changes the way that I think because he makes me understand that nothing that happened outside can affect my positive thinking, and it is true. Also, he finds solutions rather than problems. He was weighing two hundred and twenty pounds, and one day he decided to lose weight. He started his routine with exercises and diet; he lost fifty pounds.He teaches everybody to not have fears. For this reason in any difficult or ba d circumstances that we have, he always has a positive mindset with a wise solution. This positive emotion makes me to admire my husband more. I consider that my husband is the most inspiring man that I have seen. I am proud of Chris for achieving his goals and finishing his career as an Electrical Engineer. He motivates our children to be successful and great human beings. Moreover, he encourages us to finish and never give up and put a lot of effort in what we do.He also proves to his children that nothing is impossible, that we only need some motivation to accomplish our goals. Similarly for me, whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or any concern, I know I can always ask him for advice. I have also learned that sometime I have to put other needs ahead of my own, but not to the point they will be to take advantage of me. Also, He is strong during hard times and extremely determined to achieve anything. I hold him in great esteem for how he stands up or for what he be lieves in, and he will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion, and sense of understanding.In every aspect of my life my husband continuously pushed me too excel in everything that I want to do. He inspires me to start college, and he motived me to begin my new journey. He inspires me so much that now I am becoming a new person with different point of view. Furthermore, Chris is a very spiritual person. He often says, â€Å"spiritual is not only to be a religious people, it is to have peace between souls and mind. † These are not just words because he actually does what he meetings. As an example, he gets up early in the morning to meditate and pray to give thanks for the day.Meditation helps him to be calm and relaxed during the day, so if I ask something of him at any time, he does it without selfish interest. At some point I think nothing is bad for him. His friends always look for him when they have marital or work problems because they consider t hat he is the most appropriate person to give them good advice and keep secrets. Also, my husband has a passion to help people to learn how to be spiritual and know himself inside out. This quality is the most important attribute that he has. Christian is the friendliest man I have ever met.Anyone who knows him sees that he is absolutely outgoing with everybody. I am very lucky to have a good friend like him. I remember six months ago, when I thought he forgot my birthday because he did not call me, like he does every morning before I start working. When I came back home he had organized a wonderful party with my family and friends. He loves to make parties with a lot of people because he is a really sociable person. He is very unique. He constantly organize meetings at his work an invited all the people around the world. I am truly blessed to have in my life someone who is sociable and hospitable.Not only is Christian my best friend, but also he is the best friend for our sons. Con cluding this essay, I can describe my husband as the happiest man in the world, and I see that this man is a very funny person. All the time he has a positive attitude. He inspires me to be the best. He is a spiritual man. He is my best friend. `What I would say to anyone who is unhappy is that you need to fix that; like my husband says, â€Å"happiness comes from within not without. † He is right. No one can make you happy, no one, but you. For all the reasons and comments that I share in this paper I think my husband is role model to fallow. 1225

New Business Development

This assignment cannot be completed without the effort and co-operation from our group members, Mood shaded, Mood Fakir, Rye polonium and Mood Fakery We also sincerely thank our lecturer of .NET 028, Madam Russian for the guidance and encouragement in finishing this assignment and also for teaching us in this course. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends and respondents for the support and willingness to spend some times with us to fill in the questionnaires. Introduction We started our company with the name Fresh & Sweet since 2012.As a new start up for our Fresh & sweet bakery. We have already done identifying on how we are going operate our bakery shop. So, as it starts operating, this company will be manage by five members. Thus, Our main focus is to sell our bakery product with our own recipe. Hence, this has been selected most of the demand from our customers. Fresh & sweet is located at Curia Saba, Jota Kimball. This location is best suitabl e for our business because there is not much competitors. Over the recent years, the profitability of our business is growing faster and has a lot of response from the public.The business is working from the capital loan from RIB bank with the amount RAM 100, 000. Purpose Pu repose Firstly, this company was established with the purpose of attracting the customers to taste our own recipe of bakery products of cakes, muffins and breads. Second, is to fulfill the demands Of our customers Of their satisfaction. Thirdly, it is to give our customer the serve;ice they need such an occasion like birthday party or weeding ceremony and so on. Besides that, our company is also set up to boost the country's economic growth and compete in the international.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hemingway’s Descriptive technique

The First World War wreaked more havoc and destruction than the world had ever seen before. All around them, people could only see death and devastation. The existing moral structure and value systems were coming crumbling down as men killed fellow men without so much as a second thought. This led to people questioning faith, religion, and the existence of God. They began to feel that if there really was a God, then surely he would stop the pain and suffering that man was facing at that time? A movement slowly began to sweep over Europe, where people began to re-think and question the very meaning of life. This school of thought came to be known as Existentialism. Very similar to Existentialism, was Modernism. The Modernists were people who revolted against the music, art and architecture of the times, and targeted mainly the classical and romantic strains of literature. They were people who were depressed and disillusioned by the militarism of the times, and challenged fundamental values such as progress and enlightenment. Like the Existentialists, they too did not believe in the existing set of rules and morals that governed society, and believed it was time for a change. Both of these concepts influenced Hemingway greatly, and we can see the effect of this influence clearly in his writing. The novel. â€Å"A Farewell to Arms† is narrated entirely from Frederick Henry's point of view. He has a very distinct way of describing things-short and crisp. Throughout the novel, though Henry is surrounded on all sides by death, destruction and the wreckage of war, never once do we see him dramatizing or romanticizing it. He has what one might call a â€Å"reporter's eye†-everything is portrayed as if being reported by a journalist, concentrating only on the concrete facts and nothing else. Hemingway does not give the reader the opportunity to pass moral judgement on any of the characters or situations, infact, Henry gives us a perfect 360 degree view of things, and the way in which he speaks of death and casualties with such practiced normalcy almost unsettles the reader. In this part of the novel, Hemingway also stresses on the differences that have grown between Rinaldi and Henry. Henry was injured and had to leave the front, which subsequently led to him spending time and falling deeply in love with Catherine. This episode in his life gave him the chance to change and grow as a person, he becomes more mature and very different from the Henry that we came to know at the beginning of the book. Rinaldi, on the other hand, remains the way he has always been, and seems to have grown embittered and hostile towards the war. â€Å"It is killing me,† he says. Of Henry he says, â€Å"you act like a married man,† almost accusing him of having changed. In this manner, Hemingway uses Rinaldi as a foil to bring out and emphasize the change and growth that has taken place in Henry. In Book Three of the novel, Henry and Catherine's romantic interlude has ended, and the focus shifts once more from love to war. It is once again Autumn, and â€Å"the trees were all bare and the roads were muddy;† Hemingway continues with his use of rain and water as a bad omen. Mud here also represents the unclarity and uncertainty of the times. Later, in chapter 28, mud acts as an antagonist of sorts, when the ambulances get stuck in it, and this leads to Henry shooting a fellow Italian officer. The contrast between the plains and the mountains, which Hemingway had established in earlier chapters, is laid out more explicitly here when Henry, while speaking to a driver named Gino, tells him that he does not believe that a war can be fought and won in the mountains. This establishes the mountains not only as a place of peace and tranquility, but also of refuge. Rain also seems to be ever-present during Book Three. In Chapter 27, it begins to pour, and this marks the beginning of the Italian retreat. By the evening, the rain turns to snow for a while, giving the men a glimmer of hope, only to start raining again. The reader is so tuned into the rain- death symbolism by now that when, over dinner, a driver known as Amyno says, â€Å"To-morrow maybe we drink rainwater,† we are left with a deep sense of foreboding and doom. Perhaps the most important bit of symbolism in the whole novel comes in Chapter 28 of Book Three. It is the climax of the novel, and the action is all downhill from then onwards. Here, Henry deserts the war at long last, it is something that has been in the pipeline for many a chapter. Chaos seems to be at large, as Henry witnesses Amyno being shot by a fellow Italian. As he says, â€Å"We are in more danger from Italians than from Germans.† Henry had never felt any duty or obligation to the Italian army, he always seemed to be isolated from the war, and so it seems as if all this time Hemingway was preparing us for this very moment. When Henry plunges headlong into the river, effectively abandoning the war, the reader is not shocked, and does not feel the urge to pass judgement of any sort, because he understands Henry's motives for desertion. His dive into the river is Hemingway's way of signaling a Re-Birth or Baptism of sorts, as when Henry comes out of the water, he is a changed man, who has made his own peace with the war. This is further exemplified when Henry says, â€Å"Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation,† Also, while Henry is clutching on to the piece of timber and floating down the river, we notice that though the entire novel up until that point has been entirely in the first person (â€Å"I†), the narration now shifts for a brief moment, and Henry begins to use the words â€Å"you† and â€Å"we†. The result of this is that the reader feels much closer to Henry, and gets a chance to put himself in Henry's shoes. Its as if Hemingway wants us all to be Fredrick Henry, if only for a moment. At the end of Book Three, we see Henry traveling in a train car used to transport guns, and thinking quietly about what he has just done, and about his love for Catherine. Again, Hemingway uses the second-person narrative, as Henry justifies his desertion to himself by thinking, â€Å"You were out of it now, you had no more obligation.† Thus, Hemingway effectively utilizes these various descriptive techniques and employs them to peel away the layers of glory and honour that surround the war, instead showing us the honest, brutal face of war. The novel reaches its climax in Book Three, and we see descending action from here onwards.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Perspectives on Love Essay

Love and relationships are controversial topics in which people encounter on a daily basis. They are also topics that are viewed by many different people, from different perspectives. Three authors write on the topic of love; Katherine Anne Porter in â€Å"Marriage is Belonging†, June Callwood in â€Å"Forget Prince Charming† and Robertson Davies in â€Å"The Pleasures of Love†. Porter argues that both partners must surrender their freedom and social life in order to obtain a steady relationship. She argues this because one must take time out of their social life in order to put time and effort into a relationship. Whereas, Callwood argues that long term relationships are unlike fairy tales and therefore require balance and compromise. Callwood argues this because individuals need to work at their relationship in order for their love to continue to thrive. Lastly, Davies argues when communication and understanding is abundant in a relationship, love is less likely to die. Davies argues this because communication is crucial in respect to discovering the traits and reasoning that brought them together. Individual’s perspectives on love and how to find a lifelong partner differ greatly. Katherine Anne Porter, the author of â€Å"Marriage is Belonging†, writes that one must sacrifice their independence in order to â€Å"†¦share another life, the life in fact presumably dearest to them† (Porter 56). Being united with someone means that one must always be loyal, honest and generous towards their partner. Porter says that these characteristics as well as reducing the importance of a social life â€Å"are required for two people to go on growing together and in the same direction† (Porter58). She uses this quote to explain that one must give up partial freedom so that time and effort can be put into the beginning of their new, shared life. As a result of surrendering one’s social life for a significant other, in return one will be compensated with a permanent place to belong. Likewise Porter, June Callwood believes that one must give something to get something in return. Callwood writes that building a life-long union requires a lot of work and effort. Balance and compromise from both parties is required for a relationship to survive. To prove her thesis Callwood writes â€Å"†¦Dr. William Blatz was asked the secret of his serene marriage. He replied ‘I make the dressing and she makes the salad. ’† (Callwod 323). Callwood effectively uses this quote to demonstrate thatr elationships are a collaboration. Though balance is not always fifty-fifty, effort comes from both sides. In â€Å"Forget Prince Charming† Callwood shares a realistic perspective of a long-term relationship, in which does not involve ‘Prince Charming’, but two individuals who compromise and work towards learning to live with one another. Lifelong relationships do not come easy and are something that partners need to work at. In agreement with Callwood, Davies believes that relationships require effort. In â€Å"The Pleasures of Love†, Davies claims that the love of individuals that confide in each other continues to thrive. He writes, â€Å"†¦knowing only that they will be happier united than apart, they had better set to work as soon as possible to discover why they married and nourish the feeling which has drawn them together† (Davies 53). Davies uses this quote to express that individuals that are in love must discover what they like about their partner in order to enjoy each other’s company and to have a loved plentiful union. In addition, he states in his essay, communication between lovers leads to a stronger, long lasting relationship. â€Å"People who love each other should talk to each other; they should confide their honest emotions, their deepest wishes† (Davies 54). This quote demonstrates that when one shares emotions and secrets with their significant other results in understanding of feelings as well as trust. Communication between partners is an important part of keeping love alive.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Easter Rising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Easter Rising - Research Paper Example The first day of the rebellion was Monday, April 24, 1916, with approximately 1200 rebels participating in the fight against the government. The men were all volunteers but were less than what was expected due to the extreme secrecy of the group and the doubts some did have about the plan of attack. The plan was to use the General Post Office as their center of command due to its solid structure and ease of defense. As was to be proved later on while the GPO did have the advantage of defense, it would prove difficult to command the rebellion factions from it or plan attacks (Friedrich 10). Debate has risen over the significance of the GPO with some experts arguing that it was due to its symbolism of British imperialism that it was taken. The GPO was one of the largest buildings in the city and having being built by the British many saw it as a symbol of their superiority only comparable to Dublin Castle. By Noon on Monday most of those who had volunteered to fight took their position s divided into 4 battalions. The first battalion was led by Ned Daly who was to take control of the 4 courts with 250 men while the second Batallion led by Thomas MacDonagh was told to take charge of a biscuit factory South of the city center (Ciment and Russell 291), the factory was possibly to be a source of food as the fighting continued. The third battalion comprised of 130 men and was led by Eamon de Valera who were to control a bakery and Eamonn Ceannt was in charge of the 4th battalion that was made of 100 men and were to take charge of the Dolhpins barn in Emerald square in the town center and to prevent a counterattack by the Irish Army. The British government as well as most of the Irish population was taken by surprise at the commencement of the attack and responses were disorganized especially since Britain was at the time at war with Germany. The squad that was in City Hall with Conolly came under intense fire and soon had to surrender, Sean Conolly who was the commande r of the group was shot dead in the fight and several others were arrested. The fourth battalion also faced some fire from the British army but they managed to hold their positions ("The 1916 uprising..."). On Tuesday April 25th the battle of Mount street canal was fought between the British soldiers and the insurgents. The British infantry had been commanded to take the most direct route to the Dublin Castle as this was where the British headquarters and so was a point of political and strategic importance. The castle was where the then incumbent Viceroy Lord Wimborne resided in and was also where commands were dispatched from. Sherwood Foresters had to pass through Northumberland Road in spite of the dangers that the place would pose as members of the rebellion had captured neighboring territories. As the group cut into Haddington Road, they were attacked by rebels resulting in Captain Dietrchsen being injured. This also signaled the other rebels to inform them that an attack had begun and they too began to fire on the foresters (Mcnally 76). The foresters attacked the group that was located in No. 25 that was behind them and had initiated the attack. The rebels had however prepared for this and had barricaded the doors and windows resulting in the British Foresters being cornered in the open road. Attempts to escape by dodging to the other side of the street were countered by a brigade that pushed them

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Freedom in Paradise Lost by Milton and Cain by Byron Essay

Freedom in Paradise Lost by Milton and Cain by Byron - Essay Example Both of them develop their argument on the basis of the well-known events from the Bible. Human creatures of God experience their devoted Christian faith, whereas their minds are looking for freedom. There is a common thread between Milton’s and Byron’s creative heritage. Both of these two authors are exploring freedom and constraint as fasteners of a human existence. It is impossible to live without longing for freedom. Lucifer in Byron’s Cain says that â€Å"‘Nothing can / Quench the mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1. Freedom is interpreted as a feature of mind. To think freely means to live without any constraints. To be guided by reason and not by impulses means to be free. From another perspective, Adam and Eve were looking for freedom in their ability to think beyond moral and religious templates. Freedom of choice was their final goal. They were excluded from heaven, but they did not complain that their exclusion was the highest price for their freedom. Cain paid much for being free, but their longing for freedom were ever lasting and worth being strived for. Milton’s opposition: freedom of mind vs freedom of choice At first, Milton depicts Eve and Adam as devoted followers of God. They are driven by his constant power and they are driven into temptation to eat the forbidden fruit by Satan. It is rather paradoxical that such kind of behavior occurs between these two beloved and devoted Christians:   But of this Tree we may not taste nor touch; God so commanded, and left that Command Sole Daughter of his voice; the rest, we live Law to ourselves, our Reason is our Law2.    For Eve reason is not her law. A command of God is beyond reason of Eve and Adam. They blindly believe in God and follow his commandments. Milton questions the limits of God’s command; he tries to find out whether it is unreasonable or whether it is an act of his will only. Freedom of Eve and Adam can be found in their faith and not in their reason. Freed om is not only to accept the laws of God, but to follow those laws as well. There is a hint about the Christian Doctrine and the way the Christians consider God to be â€Å"a beneficent and omnipotent deity who is always to be obeyed and free to believe that he is an envious oppressor, obedience to whom results in  unhappiness and self-debasement.3† These beliefs of Adam and Eve are contrasting with the beliefs of the Christian doctrine. A failure of Adam and Eve can thus be found in their failure of reason. An act of faith and an act of freedom are contrasted in Eve’s considerations about her eating of the forbidden fruit. Her fall is the result of her spontaneous actions and escape from her faith. Moreover, not only Adam and Eve make their decisions tearing about freedom of faith and freedom of reason, but also all other human beings, who are driven into temptation by their seducers. An inner freedom should be exercised independently from reason. At the same time, freedom of mind is freedom of existence. First, free your mind and you will be free. In the book 9, where the fall of Adam and Eve is discussed, Milton claims that: "the crucial matter is what they think of God's words-that is, of how they conceive them-which is finally, of course, a question of how they conceive him"4. There is no doubt that Milton correlates the issue of freedom with the issue of God. These two concepts are inseparable in his epic poem. A free choice of faith is an ability to choose God you want to follow. These words can be read between

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Igor Stravinsky Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Igor Stravinsky - Research Paper Example Ironically, Stravinsky’s father wanted him to be a lawyer instead of a musician, but Stravinsky was bored with law study (Venezia 11). Stravinsky was always more interested in music. While at law school, Stravinsky met Vladimir Rimsky-Korsakov whose father was the very famous composer, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Stravinsky would eventually begin to work with Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov who would eventually teach him about composition. After a vast career in composing different musical scores, Stravinsky died of heart failure in 1971 (Henahan). 2. Biographical Information Stravinsky was born on June 17, 1882. His ancestry was Polish from his father’s side of the family (Oliver 12). Stravinsky had four brothers, and only the youngest brother, Gury was interested in music. Stravinsky was very close to his younger brother because they shared this musical interest, and his brother was a baritone singer. The two boys clung to each other for the affection that they did not receive f rom their parents. Stravinsky would describe his childhood as â€Å"lonely and unhappy† which created challenges for him as a child (Oliver 12). Unfortunately, his brother died of typhus in 1917 (Oliver 14). Needing love and affection, Stravinsky turned to the butler, Simon Ivanovich and his nurse, Bertha, for the affection that he did not receive from his family. For quite some time during his childhood, Stravinsky stayed in his room because his parents thought that his health was too fragile (Oliver 14). As he became older, Bertha and Simon found was to shield him from the cruelty of his father; although Stravinsky as he grew older would not talk about what happened (Oliver 14). At the age of nine, Stravinsky had begun to play piano and he was fascinated by the music. His father did not want him to become a musician because he felt this life was too insecure and it was not a proper career for a young man (Dobrin 14). Instead, Stravinsky’s father forced him into law school because he felt this would be a more lucrative career that would provide him with a more steady income (Dobrin 14). Enrollment into the University of St. Petersburg would be his fate to study law, but he soon found it to be boring. He was more fascinated by music, and although the concept of counterpoint can be considered boring to most musicians, it was of interest to Stravinsky (Dobrin 16). At the university, Stravinsky became friends with Vladimir Rimsky-Korsakov. The two men became fast friends and this lead to Stravinsky working for Vladimir’s father, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov and eventually he would be able to begin learning composition from him (Dobrin 15). Stravinsky wo uld live his life in Europe and in America. After studying with Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky began to be influenced by composers like Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel (Schwartz). In his various compositions, one can hear the influences if they listen closely. Within the music of â€Å"Fireworks†, â€Å"The Faun and the Shepherdess†, and the â€Å"Firebird† ballet, one can find the influence of Debussy and Ravel (Schwartz). All of Stravinsky’s music became a part of what is called â€Å"the standard repertory† because of his ability to write very good music. Stravinsky often performed his own work. He began by writing, composing, and playing it on piano, but he eventually began to conduct his own work. He is credited with being the â€Å"first contemporary composer†

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Investment strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Investment strategies - Assignment Example His comments were confirmed by the company’s board of director who proposed the split of stock of the soft drink manufacturer that was worth forty dollars almost a century ago would now be worth 9.8 million of dollars. I learned about the power of patient when it comes to saving (Hagstrom, 24). The author states that forty dollars in 1919 is quite different from forty dollars in the current world. he states that despite the rise in inflation, rise in the price of sugar, the world war   and the great depression that targeted the financial market investigating in the coca cola company was still the best idea as the outcome was more than the money invested at the time. I believe that a knowledgeable investor should have patience while investing.  Ã‚   Even though it may take a long time to achieve the best outcome, it is still the right thing to do. Buffett’s advice on the dangers of timing and long time investment is also quite important. He asserts that it is dangero us to time the market so that investments are done when the market is on the rise and sell when the market is declining. He states that the move is only better than a random chance and that it is dangerous to invest with attention based on time of the market (Hagstrom, 30). He stresses that it is not essential to understand whether the stocks are being bought at the right time since it is often considered an arbitrary imagination. It is only significant to understand the relative price that is being paid for the business.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Pfizers unsuccessful takeover of AstraZeneca Essay

Pfizers unsuccessful takeover of AstraZeneca - Essay Example government to take interest and eventually intervene with the series of committee hearings in the UK Parliament involving heads of the two drug companies. The failed takeover has affected the share price of AztraZeneca more than Pfizer. The company stock price rose sharply prices during the process, beginning the day after the takeover bid was announced (BBC 2014). The uptick would only dramatically decrease in the very day the bid was rejected in May 19. The share price, however, rebounded the day after, paving the way for better and stronger performance as the details of the failed bid became known. The same could not be said in the case of Pfizer. Its share price was tagged at 31.12 before the takeover bid and gradually fell to 28.75 by the end of May as the negotiations drew to a close (Yahoo Finance 2014). The attempted takeover came on the heels of Pfizers intent to merge with AstraZeneca for the purpose of relocating its headquarters to the UK, using it as a tax domicile, avoiding high corporate taxes in the US in the process (Drawbaugh 2014). This trend has been going in recent years for several pharmaceutical companies in the US. This year alone, thirteen tax-inversion deals have been completed, with US drug companies buying foreign counterparts in order to relocate their tax bases abroad (Lorenzetti 2014). Pfizer has made this particular motivation public when it made its bid for AstraZeneca. The corporate tax in the UK is 21% and is expected to fall to 20% in 2015 whereas the US charges corporations 35% (Farell 2014). The UK government was dragged into the issue because the takeover became a matter of public interest, requiring intervention. The takeover came to mean, for the UK polity, a risk for the country because of the prospect of job loss as evidenced in previous merger and acquisition cases. Policy makers, for example, recall the case of Kraft’s Cadbury acquisition. After the takeover, the company failed to honour its promises during the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Tort scenario Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tort scenario - Case Study Example According to the Police Act of 1996, an off-duty police officer can exercise their powers if the situation dictates it, and thus places himself back on duty. This was the case when PC Yaro say Bully commit the crime and subsequently chased after him. So it is clear that PC Yaro did have the right to arrest bully under #1, so we can now move to number #2. If Bully had not resisted arrest in any way, then PC Yaro would not have been within his legal rights to simply punch Bully. However, as PC Yaro attempted to arrest Bully (having gone through the normal procedure), he was then kicked on the shin by the suspect. Even if Yaro were not a police officer attempting to complete a justified arrest, he would have the right to defend himself. He has just witnessed Bully committing a violent act against an old lady, and thus has the expectation of further violence from Bully. What tort might Bully accuse PC Yaro of The basic tort would be that of assault, which includes deliberate violence against another person (Van Gerven, 2001). What defenses would Yaro have First of all, police officers have a general power to use force for the purpose of effecting a lawful arrest, Second, there is the concept of self-defense. In this case, Yaro would need to prove that the use of force was necessary and that the degree of force was reasonable. It is clear that the defenses to this tort would outweig... It is clear that the defenses to this tort would outweigh any arguments that Bully might have. Indeed, it seems clear that Bully would probably be convicted of the criminal offense of assault on a police officer (see Forbes, 1865). There is no tortuous liability for PC Yaro in this situation. The Case of Jim and Elsie/Mother - Nervous Shock and Economic Loss Most tort law depends upon the consideration and finding of the duty of care owed by one person towards another. Nervous shock tends to involve a serious psychological effect upon the injured party (see Alcock, 1992) As a heavy goods vehicle driver, Jim owes a duty of care to other road users to perform his job in a responsible and careful manner. He is a professional driver and needs to act as such. If Jim had been talking on his mobile phone with his girlfriend and crashed into the sports car, then it would be clear that he would not have shown a sufficient duty of care, and might be regarded as either negligent or perhaps reckless. But this is not the case. In fact Jim was performing his duties as a professional driver admirably through trying to avoid the drunken pedestrian. Everything that occurred from that point on:- from the crash with the car, the nervous shock supposedly suffered by Elsie and her mother and the failure to buy the winning lottery ticket - came about because of this initial perfectly justifiable act upon the part of Jim. However, Elsie and her mother might have a case if it could be shown that the manner in which Jim avoided the pedestrian was negligent/reckless by the standards of a reasonable HGV driver. The facts that are given within the case do not show this was the case at all. For the sake of argument, let us assume that Jim did show

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Privite high school vs public high school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Privite high school vs public high school - Essay Example This results in students getting proper attention and supervision. Public high schools are cheaper than private high schools, and thus, lots of people get their children admitted in public high schools, resulting in a large number of students in every class. This results in lesser attention and ineffective supervision. â€Å"There are over 47 million children enrolled in public school and about 3.2 million students in private schools† (The Home Economist, para.2). Also, private high schools provide superb facilities because they can afford to. People avoid private high schools because they are expensive while public high schools are not. A 2013 research indicates that for families with income over $75,000 send their kids, 85% send their kids to public schools while 12% send their kids to private schools (National Center for Education Statistics). The Home Economist. Public vs. Private Schools, New Facts Revealed. The Home Economist, 2013. Web. 14 Apr 2014.

The Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig Essay Example for Free

The Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig Essay Considered assessment of the Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig. Douglas Haig was appointed as commander of the BEFs 1st Army Corps at the outbreak of World War One in 1914 with Sir John French as Commander in Chief of the British Army. By the end of 1915 it became apparent that Sir John French was ill-suited to the role and Douglas Haig replaced him as Commander-in-Chief. Haig became one of the most controversial figures in military history with tag-lines such as the butcher of the Somme and an incompetent leader being the most associated with him. His tough and decisive leadership style with apparent little compassion to the huge amounts of British deaths during World War One made him one of the most debated person in history with varying views of his leadership style. It is widely believed that Haig was unwilling to accept new ideas but stick to his traditional, military experience with reluctance to hear new ideas and recommendations. Major Desmond Morton who served as one of Haigs adjutants said He (Haig) hated being told any new information, however irrefutable, which militated against his preconceived ideas or beliefs. This reliable source that gives an insight to the leadership of Haig goes on to say that John Charteris was being a sycophant to Haig and although he was anincredibly bad head of intelligence, Haig favoured him because he was conservative of the truth and always concealed bad news, or put it in an agreeable light. This is backed up by General Sir James Marshall-Cornwall who said that One of the faults of Haigs nature was that he trusted too completely some of his immediate subordinates. This is supported by the History Learning Site who says that Haig had little time for new military ideas and was steeped in the ways that he knew-conventional tactics. His history as a cavalry commander enforces this quote of Haig sticking to what he knew best and an inability to listen to new ideas or react to a changing situation-essential characteristics of a cavalry commander. Further criticism to Haigs inability to listen to new ideas is given by Liddell Hart when he states that Haig failed in his poor receptivity of ideas. However, some people hold the view that Haig and the other generals in The Great War were receptive to new ideas and did change tactics. The BBC History site says that it is not true, as some think, that British Generals and troops simply stared uncomprehendingly at the barbed wire and trenches, in reality, the Western Front was a hotbed of innovation as the British and their allies and enemies experimented with new approaches. Whilst not directly talking about Haig, this does imply that although Haig may not have been the most experimental leader, despite this view it did not impact on the experimenting of new ideas that took place within the Army. Mike Hone would agree with this evaluation of Haig when he wrote the fact is that British tactics developed considerably during the war. The disastrous first day of the Battle of the Somme resulted in huge amounts of analysis and blame put on the event with mixed interpretations. With 19,240 soldiers being killed on the first day alone it was one of the most costly battles in the history of warfare. The planning and conducting of the battle of Somme by Field Marshal Haig has also been subjected to criticism and evaluation. As Commander in Chief of the British Army, Haig is responsible for the welfare and safety of all British Soldiers and this has primarily led to the vast criticism of Haig regardless of Haigs direct actions. A Battle of the Somme timeline compiled by says that on the 23rd January 1916 whilst preparing for the preliminary attacks on a 20,000 yard front on the Somme to commence on 20th April, General Joseph Jaques Cesaire Joffre, Commander in Chief of the French Army suggested to Haig wearing down attacks prior to the main joint offensive starting on 20th April and the other in May. However, the source goes on to say that Haig rejects the plan. Whilst this may not be an extremely surprising quote it does present a worrying situation. Dennis Wheatley who served during the Great War wrote that He (Haig) had a rooted dislike of the French and was not even a second rate general. It presents an extremely worrying possibility that Haigs personal feelings and attitudes could have led to poor decisions and the loss of many innocent lives. The rejection of the French plan is also a further example of both his decisive leadership and his inability to listen to advice and recommendations. This also shows that Haigs planning of attacks are of an extremely dictatorial nature with a strong sense that his traditions of leadership should be withheld regardless of any interventions. Later on in this timeline, Haig replies to Joffre again on 10th April 1916 to again reject another of his ideas and on the same day, Haig received a revised plan from Rawlinson suggesting a long artillery perpetration rather than Haigs preferred hurricane bombardment. Communication during Haigs planning of the Battle of the Somme has also been under scrutiny after GHQ writes to Rawlinson that it was not clear whether his attack or that of the Second Army at Messines would start first . Both communications and Haigs decisions were disputed during the timeline of events, creating a picture of a dictatorial, private ruler who wanted to plan the British attacks by himself, using traditional methods and without any assistance, information or ideas. PW Turner and RH Haigh wrote that the planning of the Somme campaign was ham-fisted and clumsy. The fault for the failure of most of the strategic planning must fall on Haig. They hold the view that the failure in planning for the Somme was not due to communications or incorrect decisions but of national and personal pride and that Haig and his generals must have some spectacular victory to prove how right they were. The historians conclude that Haig promised victory and failed. This account holds the view that Haig was fulfilling his role of winning the war. He was a traditional leader in the sense that he was given an order (to win the war) and he was to complete that task at whatever cost. Martin Gilbert gave a somewhat more favourable view to the plan that Haig drew up. Gilbert believed that Haig made a logical plan to wear out the enemy and exhaust his reserves and then prepare for a decisive attack made with the objective of piercing the enemy lines. Gilbert the goes on to explain how Haig elaborated and made it extremely clear that it was to be a decisive account similar to his leadership. Haigs plan went on to describe that once the Germans had been worn down and used up their reserves-but not until then-a mass of troops would be thrown in at some points where the Enemy has show himself to be weak with the definite objective to break through and win victory . Gilberts view of Haigs planning is of an optimistic plan by Haig with clear and logical objectives. Norman Stone agrees with Gilbert that Haigs plan was logical but points out that Haigs information and intelligence from the Somme was flawed. Stone explains how Haig still imagined that the German line could be breached and cavalry could pour through the gap, but it could have been poured more effectively elsewhere. Stone simply explains that the solidification of the German line in 1914 along ridges allowed their guns a greater advantage and gave them the benefit of earth less likely to turn into mud. Stone concludes that the most Haig could do would be to take those ridges. Although the Brittish war industry was rapidly expanding to capabilities able to make thousands of guns and millions of shells able to launch a bombardment Haig did not trust his mens capacity, and Hereford relied on crushing bombardment. Stone points out that he believed this was probably the error in the planning of the Somme. After the catastrophic first day of the battle, questions were being asked about why to continue with the battle, why should Haig risk another 20,000 British lives? Martin Gilbert says that the Germans knew that the British would not give up. It was part of the British spirit and would not honour the 20,000 already killed to simply give up. It also didnt comply with Haigs determination to fulfil his task of winning the war. Questions regarding the planning of the battle also arose- why was the wire not cut? Why were the Germans still alive after such heavy bombardment? Was it an British failure of a German success and who should ultimately be blamed for the deaths of so many innocent soldiers? Some people like Desmond Morton believe that figures such as John Carteris who was head of intelligence was incredibly bad and sycophant nature of his relationship with Haig led to incorrect predictions that formed Haigs plans. The overestimated results of the British bombardment by British generals is extremely clear by Martin Gilberts description of what British soldiers had to carry and what they were expecting. They carried a rifle with fixed bayonet, between 170 and 220 rounds of small arms, two grenades, a waterproof cape(although it was a beautiful summers day), two sandbags, a steel helmet, two gas helmets, a pair of google against tear gas, a first aid field dressing and iodine, waterproof groundsheet, filled water bottle, haversack, mess tin, towel, shaving kit, extra socks, message book, uneaten rations, extra cheese, one preserved and one iron ration. In addition 40% would carry shovels and 10% would carry picks and one battalion was given a tin of grey paint each. This resulted in about sixty-six pounds of equipment. Historian General Edmonds wrote the weight of this equipment made it difficult t get out of a trench, impossible to move much quicker than a slow walk or to rise and lie down quickly Historian Peter Liddle agrees with this conclusion adding thousands of men offering so bulky and slow-moving a target would crumple to the ground quickly enough but would not rise at all, never mind quickly In addition to this, a planned stun tactic was used to explode mines in front of German trenches two minutes before the assault but this resulted in craters being formed allowing the Germans to occupy these craters, install machine guns and deliver devastating fire upon the British Army. The overestimation of the success of the bombardment by Haig resulted in the false expectations of British soldiers to be able to simply walk across no-mans land and create the beginning of the end of the Great War. This is evident in Martin Gilberts long list of issued equipment-40% of men carried a shovel obviously for digging trenches, 2 sandbags each to protect their trenches, rations and groundsheets to be able to stop overnight during their long advance. If the British generals had correctly estimated the effects if the bombardment, British soldiers would not have gone over the top and 20,000 lives could have been spared. Personally, I believe the initial failure of the battle of the Somme was down to the leadership and intelligence of the British generals. Soldiers trusted them for the correct information that would lead to the overall success of the battle-in reality false predictions led to the slaughter of thousands of innocent lives. Haigs continuation of the battle led to the monumental and historical introduction of the tank and the eventual victory over the Germans. The planning of the offence in Passchendaele was viewed by Stone to have made sense that Haig wanted to advance in Flanders. Stone explains that the German position was strong with height, the Messines ridge and could fire at Ypres from the side. It also allowed the British to deal with the submarine base at Zeebrugge. Stone believed that the British army was very strong with millions of shells and considerable experience with the kind of bombardment that might loosen the defence. The problem of the water table at Passchendaele resulted in near certain considerable amounts of mud whenever it rained or was churned up by shell. Although eventual success occurred following the explosion of the Messines ridge on 7th June the initial success lured the generals into disaster Disaster arose when Haig threw away the advantage. Stone says that there was an extraordinary interval before the next British attack.during which the German defences were strengthened and allowed the Germans to install pill boxes in which heavy machine-guns were placed. Therefore, it becomes clear that the initial planning of Passchendaele was extensive and proved a huge success but the resulting actions from Haig led to a catastrophic German rebound as a direct consequence of the leadership of Haig. The 21st March 1918 saw a large German bombardment starting at 4:40 am and lasted until 9:40 pm. It resulted in a million shells being fired and a British retreat over the old Somme battlefield to the French town of Amiens. Later in the year when German reserves were disrupted, Norman Stone describes how Rawlinson, Monash and Currie had to persuade Haig to not persist with the attack beyond a few days. J Rickard wrote that during the planning of the Battle of Amiens, Haig had directed General Rawlinson, to prepare for an attack on the salient. He goes on to explain that Rawlinson developed a plan fro a tank battle. Rawlinson had a multi-national army with American, Australian, Canadian and British divisions. Interestingly, Haig was also given control of the French First Army. However, Haig launched a second attack further nothing, using the Third Army. The purpose of this attack known as the battle of Bapaume, was to force the Germans back to the line of the somme. This attack began n 21 August.the British advance forced the Germans to retreat to the Somme. The battle of Amiens gives an example of times when Haigs leadership proved to be successful. Although Haig used the same methods of leadership as he did at the Somme and Passchendaele, the decisive, stubborn approach was needed here to drive the Germans back at a time when the German defence was at its weakest, the perfect cond itions for the leadership of Haig. The National Archives describe how the final German assault which started in the Spring of 1918 very nearly succeeded. The final German assault, which culminated in the Spring of 1918, very nearly succeeded. American forces were vital in holding the line but it was the British who took the lions share of territory and prisoners, no doubt in part thanks to Haigs still inspiring leadership. However, questions have now been asked as to whether Haig nearly settled for a compromise with the Germans. Nick Allen wrote for the Daily Telegraph thatHaig didnt realise how weak German forces were towards the end and wanted to settle for a compromise, according to Dr J P Harris, senior lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Dr Harris said: He wanted to offer the Germans very, very, easy ceasefire terms in late 1918.That could have left Germany with its armed forces, including its artillery, and its territorial gains in Eastern Europe intact. The end of World War One on 11th November 1818 was a result of many factors that all came together. The arrival of fresh troops from America in the summer of 1918 gave the allied forces a very large advantage. History on the Net explains how The German commander Erich Ludendorff (right) was a brilliant military commander and had won decisive victories over Russia in 1917 that led to the Russian withdrawal from the war.In 1918 he announced that if Germany was to win the war then the allies had to be defeated on the Western Front before the arrival of American troops. The British Naval Blockade led to food shortages in Germany and subsequent protests on the streets of Berlin. October 1918 saw the resignation of German commander Ludendorff and a naval mutiny. Kaiser Wilhelm II then abdicated on November 8th 1918 and an armistice was signed on November 11th 1918. The controversial leadership of Field Marshal Haig throughout the Great War is subject to so many different views and opinions by different historians, making an informed assessment on his leadership is extremely challenging. However, I do believe that the infamous catastrophic first day of the Somme was down to poor intelligence, predictions and overestimation. Men were sent to their deaths in appalling conditions whilst I do not think that Haig was solely to blame, I do believe that his distinct leadership style was not suited to the planning of the Somme and as commander in chief he does have overall responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of all men in the Army. However, his leadership style fitted the circumstances of the final year of the great war. 1918 saw circumstances requiring decisive, quick and dictatorial actions at a time when German defences were weak and rapid advancements needed to be made. Haig played an incredibly important role in the final year which ultimately led to allied victory along with the help of the fresh American soldiers. In Conclusion, I believe that Field Marshal Haig had an incredibly unique leadership style that only fitted the final phases of the war. The inability to listen to new ideas and dictatorial style during the Battles of Somme and Passchendaele I believe led to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent soldiers. Poor intelligence also contributed to the immense disaster of the first day of the Somme. Whilst Haig has a duty to take responsibility forthe deaths of British soldiers I certainly believe that a number of factors contribute to both the successes and failures of the Great War and no single person or factor can take overall responsibility.